IoT-enabled N2O cooler system for rockets

Design & dimensioning of refrigeration system

In order to supply our rocket systems with oxidiser, we need to supercool pressurised nitrous oxide to a liquid. To do this, we will be dimensioning a refrigeration system to function both in the scorching heat of New Mexico as well as the chill winters of Denmark.

The refrigeration system will need to be able to produce approximately 7 liters of liquid nitrous oxide per hour. The tank of the system should have a volume of 50 liters and be insulated. The refrigeration system has to be able to operate within a temperature range of -20 and 50 degrees celsius.


The electronics will be able to monitor and control the the N2O cooler. This system electronics consists of 4 main parts; a raspberry pi which is the control unit, some sensors used for monitoring the state of the N2O cooler, solenoid valves and motors that is used to vent or send the liquid nitrous oxide to the rocket engine, lastly a touch screen will be added so that the system can be controlled either through a touch screen or through a WiFi connection with both having a GUI.


Within the software a state machine will control all the sensors and valves to determine what to do in a given state. E.g. if the pressure is to high in the cooler the computer will validate the information coming from the sensors and then execute a command to vent the gas out from the cooler to avoid an unscheduled rapid disassembly.


Danish Student Association for Rocketry is the first student association in Denmark. We structure our work through projects, focusing on designing and developing a liquid propelled rocket to compete in the Spaceport America Cup competition.


Vision statement

We envision igniting and promoting the interest of rocket science for graduates by uniting them across the various institutes at DTU campus and other institutions, where the development of knowledge, expertise, skill and competence is at the core of creating the bests graduates for the future of Denmark.


Mission statement

  • To promote science and research within:

    • Rocket technology

    • Propulsion technology

    • Aerospace technology

    • Robotics

    • Information and communication technology

  • Promotion of students and trainees in the scientific fields named above.

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