Press and Presentations

Don't have time reading all this text? Or are you just more visually oriented? Check out this short clip, giving you a glimpse of what Smart Campus is, all in 63 seconds!


Yes, the robots are indeed coming! Next year, DTU Smart Campus expect to see no less than four Autonomous busses (that you can try!) deployed in regular traffic at Knuth-Winterfeldts Allé on both sides of Anker Engelunds Vej. Read more here (Danish article): Selfdriving busses on DTU

Smart Campus has attracted international attention in academia and been highlighted as an example to follow for universities to transfer and commercializing research results. See page 56 for more in this report by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Elan Article

DTU Smart Campus Flyers

We are happy to present DTU Smart Campus Flyers, which is placed around DTU campus and especially in DTU Skylab.

Download the flyer that appeal to you.


For students:

For small and medium sized companies: